Author bio
Debbie Herbert writes paranormal romance novels reflecting her belief that love, like magic, casts its own spell of enchantment. She is traditionally published through Harlequin, as well as Indie published. Married and living in Alabama, she roots for the Crimson Tide football team (Roll Tide!). Debbie enjoys recumbent bicycling with her husband. She has two grown sons and the oldest has autism. Characters with autism frequently land in her works, even when she doesn't plan on it!
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The blood moon of October cast shimmering beams, tingeing the treetops with crimson. By Halloween, it would reach fullness, and the balance of good and evil in the Fae kingdom would be in peril as the veil between human and spirit worlds would be at its thinnest. An in-between, middling time. A dangerous time.
But Kheelan was used to being in two worlds at once, yet belonging to neither.
What was wrong with him? You’d think he’d never seen a beautiful girl. Besides, even the prettiest human couldn’t compare to the enchantment of any run-of-the-mill fairy. And he should know. The daoine-sith Fae rewarded him with a fairy lover whenever he completed a dangerous mission, as if rewarding an obedient dog with a bone.
Kheelan smoldered at the humiliation. His skin burned from it, his mouth scorched from the angry words he must never say aloud. They had stolen him from his human family. He’d no doubt been sleeping unaware the night those cradle robbers came and forced him into a lifetime of servitude and danger.
He got nothing in return. No love, no acceptance, and no hope of a future. Indeed, they despised him.
Changeling. How he hated the word, been taunted with it, as if it was some kind of deformity on his part. A mere changeling, only tolerated for what he could do in their petty wars or their unending, menial labors. He summoned his enormous will and pushed the bitter thoughts away.
EDGE: A Young Adult / New Adult Paranormal Collection
Twenty of today's favorite YA & NA authors have come together to bring you a collection packed with full-length, spellbinding reads sure to keep you keep you on the edge of your seat and up way past your bedtime!
READER BEWARE: These novels take everything to the edge--and not just the edge of your seat. With authors who aren't afraid to push the boundaries, you get stories that take everything to limit, creating whimsical reads that teens can actually relate to and that adults can enjoy, too.