Some critters repremand me for leaving out the "s" saying it's "towards." While others scratch out my additional "s" saying it's "toward."
So I did a little digging.
You know what I found out?
It's both ... in a sense. It really depends on where you are from, which is the correct spelling. Towards is more common in British English whereas Toward is more common in American English.
Taken from
to·ward (tôrd, tōrd, tə-wôrd')
prep. also to·wards (tôrdz, tōrdz, tə-wôrdz')
1. In the direction of: driving toward home.
2. In a position facing: had his back toward me.
3. Somewhat before in time: It began to rain toward morning.
4. With regard to; in relation to: an optimistic attitude toward the future.
5. In furtherance or partial fulfillment of: contributed five dollars toward the bill.
6. By way of achieving; with a view to: efforts toward peace.
adj. (tôrd, tōrd)
1. Favoring success or a good outcome; propitious.
2. often towards Happening soon; imminent.
3. Obsolete Being quick to understand or learn.
[Middle English, from Old English tōweard : tō , to ; see to + -weard , -ward .]
Usage Note : Some critics have tried to discern a semantic distinction between toward and towards, but the difference is entirely dialectal. Toward is more common in American English; towards is the predominant form in British English.