The Sweetest Kiss
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Cleis Press (October 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1573443715
Synopsis (Copied from Amazon)
Vampires have a timeless allure, mesmerizing us in every medium from books and graphic novels to movies and television shows. Immortal, eternally beautiful, strong, and sexy, these creatures take what they need, stealing the life force from those unlucky enough to cross their paths — or from those whose luck leads them to the most thrilling experience of their lives. Edited by noted erotica writer D. L. King, The Sweetest Kiss takes readers into shadowy alleys, dark bedrooms, and more mysterious spaces to experience the frisson of terror and delight that only a vampire can produce. Mostly straight, these stories also feature bi and queer vampires satisfying their lust in contemporary and period settings. These blood-drenched tales give new meaning to the term "dead sexy" and feature beautiful bloodsuckers whose desires go far beyond blood.
Vampires and erotica? Sign me up!
My hubby picked up this book for me, knowing I love vampires. I'm not sure if he knew it was erotica, but that is beside the point.
Now, normally I am not one to do anthologies. It's kind of like buying a CD. There might be one maybe two songs you like and the rest you could do without hearing. Me, I prefer to download individually. The same applies to my reading. I prefer stories I choose, not the random mix. Even with that in mind, I am glad my husband bought this one for me.
The book is filled with bite sized tales written by a variety of authors. The length of each story is perfect for those of you with short attention spans or limited "quiet" time to read.
Unlike the current sparkly Twilight vamps, the creatures of the night in this collection are of a darker breed. A refreshing throwback to the older Anne Rice vampires and Bram Stoker's Dracula too.
The variety of stories span the range from pure porno with page after page of steamy vamp action, to softer more seductive plot driven stories that make you ached to be held in the arms of that vampire lover. There is plenty inside to get your motor running.
An anthology like this has made me rethink my stance on anthology books. I believe I will have to go hunting for more bite sized vampire erotica.
If you are a fan of vampires and love erotica, check this book out!